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The Victorian Farmers' Markets Association is a not-for-profit association. We develop, support and lead a network of farmers, makers and markets, contributing to thriving, sustainable communities.


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From Farm to Market: Acknowledging Women’s Contributions on International Women’s Day

Every year, 8 March marks International Women's Day, a day to celebrate the remarkable achievements of women and raise awareness about discrimination and inequality.
This day acknowledges the critical role women play in our food systems. Their diverse contributions span food production, especially within our Victorian Farmers' Markets Association Community.
Women are integral to food production, processing, distribution, and management.
Their varied roles ensure that families and communities across Victoria, both rural and urban, have access to fresh, seasonal produce and freshly made products at our VFMA Markets.
The theme for 2024 is "Count Her In. Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress."
This theme encourages us to strive for greater economic inclusion for women and girls everywhere, eliminating the barriers that hinder equal economic participation.
By shopping at your local VFMA Accredited Farmers Markets, you continue supporting women's essential roles in our food systems.
Purchasing directly from farmers and stallholders supports local economies.
Spending at VFMA-accredited markets empowers small-scale producers and business owners, allowing them to earn fair prices for their hard work.
#vfmaauthentic, #fromtheheartofthefarm, #farmersmarketsareessential.


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accredited farmers' markets
 08 - 15 March 2024