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What are Accredited Farmers’ Markets?

What are Accredited Farmers’ Markets?

Photo Credit: Kate Healy, The Courier

Accredited Farmers’ Markets

What’s the main difference between accredited farmers’ markets and other "farmers’" markets?  The VFMA accreditation program.

Accredited farmers’ markets are where farmers sell directly to their customers, a place not compromised by resellers. Customers can enjoy listening to the stories of how their broccoli has been carefully grown or exactly what feed the farmer’s animals have ingested. Farmers and makers impart their wisdom of their farming and producing practices to willing customers. This is where you get the authentic farmers’ market experience.

Customers can also buy fresh locally grown produce and value added products from stall holders that receive full economic credit for their contributions to the place.

VFMA accredited stallholders grow or raise produce in Victoria or with 100kms of the state boarder. There are also makers who are accredited by sourcing a high percentage of their primary ingredients from within Victoria.

One way of monitoring this high level of standard is through the VFMA accreditation program.

The program was specifically designed to protect the authenticity of farmers’ markets and was launched in 2011.

Our Market Day Inspectors do an assessment of each accredited market and stall holder within those markets in a process approved by the ACCC.

In early July we had one of our three Market Day Inspectors head out to Clunes Farmers Market for their annual accreditation visit, and she happily made the local Advocate newspaper.

So look out for those accredited farmers’ markets, you know they are the real deal.

To see this article click here

To find accredited markets near you this weekend click here