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The Victorian Farmers' Markets Association is a not-for-profit association. We develop, support and lead a network of farmers, makers and markets, contributing to thriving, sustainable communities.


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Prepare for the upcoming week with VFMA Accredited Markets.

We recognize the stress of back-to-school and return-to-work shopping and have curated a checklist to help you stay organized.

Our checklist might only cover some items, but it's a great starting point. No doubt you will find many more options and selections to buy!

This weekend, visit our markets and discover a myriad of produce, food, and products that will make your weekly prep effortless.

With an ever-expanding network of VFMA Accredited Producers and Stall Holders, we cater to everyone's needs.

By shopping at VFMA markets, you're directly supporting Victoria-based businesses.

Spend your weekend with us and witness the VFMA difference.

Happy Shopping!

#vfmaauthentic #fromtheheartofthefarm #farmersmarketsareessential.


Connecting you directly with Victorian
accredited farmers' markets
 27 - 31 January 2024